About Scanty Gela


Somehow you have found my blog!  And you’ve clicked on this link, which means you want to know more about me.

My names are Angela Chioma Ozue [aka Scanty Gela].  I study in Eastern Mediterranean University, North Cyprus with my sweet friends and colleagues.  I am an aspiring Engineer by study, although my passions run more towards writing and reading. I am an avid reader.

Why Scanty? The name Scanty came from the idea that Angels are like diamonds. They are rare. They can't be made, you have to find them. Each one is unique, exceptional, limited edition, scarce, uncommon, unusual, out of the ordinary and above all Powerful!

Scanty // Gela
Unique // Angela

[Gela pronounced J'ela]

...Kapish? Good. Let's move on.

I like movies, listening to music, spending time with loved ones, the winter, reading, drinking red wine with friends, and playing dates with my bf.

I dislike washing plates, arguing with my bf, dealing with douches, sleep battles and clutter. Sometimes, I have to keep reminding myself that some people were raised differently. I am comfortable in my own skin. I don’t really hold back – the good or the bad.


A note of caution: We can never achieve goals that envy sets for us. Looking at your friends and wishing you had what they had is a waste of precious energy. Because we are all unique, what makes another happy may do the opposite for you. That's why advice is nice but often disappointing when heeded.
"There are those of us who like to venture to the UNEXPLORED. To see the beauty in the strange and unknown. Those of us who go out there with a sense of wonder. Bridging Worlds, Cultivating Curiosity and finding delight in our differences. If You Are One Of Us,...Widen your world."


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